Eligible alcoholic beverages:
- Beer and malt beverages, for example, canned or bottled beer, pitchers of beer
- Wine and sake qualify for GST/HST relief during the eligible period, along with other fortified beverages, if the absolute ethyl alcohol by volume (ABV) does not exceed 22.9%. If any alcoholic beverage is fortified in excess of 22.9% absolute ethyl ABV, it does not qualify for GST/HST relief.
- Spirit coolers and premixed alcoholic beverages which are prepackaged for sale and contain 7% of absolute ethyl ABV or less qualify for GST/HST relief during the eligible period.
- Spirit coolers and premixed alcoholic beverages which are prepackaged for sale and which contain more than 7% of absolute ethyl ABV do not qualify for GST/HST relief during the eligible period.
Source: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/taxes/child-and-family-benefits/gst-hst-holiday-tax-break.html