Sarajishvili 3 Star Brandy
The rich and unique collection of “Sarajishvili House” is founded on the expertise of talented technologists and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Brandy enthusiasts and professionals admire our masterpieces, many of which are over a century old. Following the legacy of David Sarajishvili, who dedicated his life to creating unique Georgian wine brandy, we are inspired to craft new and remarkable flavors. Each product has its own history, age, origin, character, and qualities, enhancing any occasion with the unique taste of Georgian brandy. “Sarajishvili House” categorizes its production into three lines: the classical line, adhering to French standards; the unique line, inspired by distinct ideas; and the vintage line, composed of blends from one-year-old spirits.
艾伯塔省内的送货时间为 2-4 个工作日,加拿大西部为 3-6 个工作日,加拿大东部为 6-10 个工作日。
请注意,我们的快递送货时间为当地时间周一至周五上午 9 点至下午 5 点。如果您或其他达到法定饮酒年龄的人无法亲自接收包裹,我们建议使用您的公司地址作为送货地址。我们不能将包裹放在门口。或者,您也可以告诉我们您希望的送货日期,以便我们通知快递公司。请注意,我们不能保证准确的时间,我们要求至少有三小时的时间有人在家。
但是:在某些情况下,根据您的居住地、天气条件和其他意外事件,送货时间可能会更长。如果出现延误,我们会及时通知您。一旦订单处理完毕并发货,您将收到跟踪信息。这可能需要 2 个工作日。
- 送货时间或取货时间可能会受到天气或订单量的影响。
- 结账时的所有运费均由我们的快递公司计算和设定。
- 如果两次送货尝试后仍无人在家,第三次送货尝试将收取 15 加币的额外费用。
- 如果我们的常规快递公司无法送货到您所在的地区,我们将通过加拿大邮政寄送烈酒,并与您联系,讨论运送需要温度控制的葡萄酒的其他选择。